No more death by Powerpoint.

So your Powerpoint presentation looks boring and amateurish, which is having a negative effect on your audience.

End this misery by letting Toast design you a Powerpoint template that you can use, is on brand and elevates your marketing collateral design.

There are some simple steps (and here comes the list) that we follow to help make the experience of your Powerpoint presentation a more pleasant one:

  1. Content is king
  2. Less is more
  3. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
  4. Templates help

Talk to Toast Today about your next Powerpoint Presentation

Power Point designers

Let’s take a look at these in a little more detail.

1. Content is king

Your content should be engaging and centralised around a theme or message. Once you have planned your content, Toast can create a Powerpoint template that enhances your key messages with clever design and visual aids.

2. Less is more

Don’t try to cram too much information onto one slide. Use bullet points and summaries to highlight issues, which you can then use as prompts when presenting or as points for further discussion/interest if sending the presentation electronically.

Power Point design

3. Keep it simple stupid (KISS)

Don’t overcomplicate things – keep things easy to follow so that the audience can understand your message. We can help you by creating custom infographics and visuals that explain complex processes in an easy visual format.

4. Templates help

Creating several master template pages within your presentation can help save you time, present a coherent look and give you flexibility when creating and formatting content. We design and create these templates for you to use and adapt in your presentation.

There are a lot more things you can do in Powerpoint that can help. These steps and our design knowledge can help turn your presentation into something that works for you and your audience, so give us a call before anyone else is subjected to death by Powerpoint.

Contact Toast

Mark Williams

Written by: Mark Williams

Mark is a founding Director at Toast and heads-up the print team. He specialises in Report design and typography. He's been a Graphic Designer for over 25 years.
